วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Chill of evening


In the morning I went to Shiodome city.Shiodome city was the new center of Japan's economic system.This city has surround by the big building and giant ship port.After that I went to Ashakusa temple.The legend tell that this temple is the place that keep meracle stone of the quan im.who is buddist's god.Japanese people has belive the miracle stone come from the sea by the power of quan im god.
The temple is very beautiful by the Japanese achiteche style.There is the big pagoda that can see from far distance.Outside the temple has a lot of gift shop There were sold many thing like Yukata clothes(Japanese summer suit),Sword or Katana and etc.
In the afternoon I had lunch in the famous tempura restaurant.I think the food taste is like nomally japanese food in Thailand.When I finished my lunch I went to The imperial palace.The imperial palace was build in The Shogun period.There was big wall surround the castle.The wall had builded for protect the castle from the enemy.
I had diner with seafood.When I came back to the hotel I got my bag in the room and went to walked in the park near the hotel.I drank some beer and lit some cigarate.Breath the air from the street make me felt chilled.

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Japan Trip


Bangkok to Narita

I had busy about pack my bag all day and prepared for the big journey trip.In the evening my driver and the officer that follow my father went to my house to take my family to Suwanabum airport in Samutprakarn.There has four people of my family went to this trip ,my father,mother,my younger brother and me.There had seven bag for shopping.

We arrived at Suwanabum airport and met the group of conference.In this trip my father had went to Japan to watch the engineer technology and the city system in Japan to improve it to the Samutprakanr province.But me and my morther went to shopping.

Take about four or five hours I arrived at Narita airport in Japan.The time of Japan is quickly than Thailand about three hours.I had complete slept in the plane and when I arrived The guide weren't stop They bring us to the Hagone.Hagone was nice park and beautiful view It was near mount Fuji.

I had lunch at Archi lake.The food was the seafood fried in the oil.I thinks It was not delecious.when I finished ate.My mother took me to bought some dried food and snak.and then the guide bring us to the shipyard to took the boat and ran along the lake view.The boat was beautiful It look like from fantasy movies.

In the afternoon I went to Wagudani hill.In the top there had the boil fountain.that people put the egg to this water.Japanese believed that if people had eat the egg that cook from this boil water.This egg will make people life longer seven years.(I had ate it four.)

In the evening I stayed at Fujinobo Kaen hotel.I had seafood diner in the hotel restaurant after that I went to drank some beer with my new friend in the hotel's garden the temperature was about 23-24 c'.I slept at 2 o'clock.


The sleep of the white giant

I woke up at six o'clock.It made me felt sleepy and terible.In the morning I went to mount Fuji.that is the japan Character.If the people thing about Japan The mount Fuji is the big sign of this country.I went to the fifth floors of mount Fuji I can saw It's top.On the top of the mountain there was a little snow because This season was the summer in Japan.After that I went to shopping in the gift shop with my tourist group.

In the afternoon I went to Yogohama city.I saw the road in Japan were alway had straigt way and I think it made the low problem from trafic jam.The Yogohama city was the center of the port and shipyard.There are a lot of factory.but I thin Japan alway care the air because They has a lot of factory but they alway plant the tree.There are not few tree like Thailand but tree they plant are the forest and many.

The group arrived at Minamoto Miroi everyone went to studied the city plan.only me I slept in the bus because I felt very sleepy.

I waked up in the two hours later and I took the shin kunsen or bullet train to went to Shinjoku.I ate shabu-shabu for my dinner.and then I went to bought some shoes.the shoe in Japan is nice and cool.I stayed in sunshine city hotel for this day.The hotel was big and there had many shopping place and pub I think It was like siam square of Thailand.

at night I went to the bar near my hotel and drank some beer.In the bar I got my new friend She was japanese girl.her name was Kuygo.She smoke a lot.I slept at four o'clock.

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


To day was the brutal day of the week because It was The day that I had three subject for studied.I woke up very late and my fried ,Kook call me and invite me to should not went to studied the first subject science man.
I hate this subject a lot because It was very hard The teacher teach student to wrote prochart.I can not do it in the exam and in the class room.I thinks I will try hard to past this subject.
I came to ABAC to studied second subject.The English 2 I think I should came because This subject If you did not came you will list the point and I did’t want to lost it.I came to studied late because traffic jam.(Terrible problem in Bangkok)
The teacher gave me absent but I hope to studied that I came and sat in the backside of the classroom.
In the afternoon my friend told me that the teacher that teach me in final subject was cancel class.I heard the good news.
My friend invited me to seek the high school girl in Triamudomsuksa Normkroa.I drove my car to that school and I got the girl phone number.her name is A.I think she will the A-plus girl.


Hello! ! ! ! Holiday.My friend invited me to went too the zoo.
In the morning I drove my car to the correct some problem about my suit because It was too huge.I want it fit my body.I went to the fassion house at Petchburi rd.with my friend dutch and his girl friend Ta,
When I finish I went to Khowdin zoo.this zoo was the classic zoo It was old zoo and It place in the center of Bangkok.In the zoo I saw many animal like elephant, zebra,monkey and etc.I forgot to told I saw dinosaur but It was the statue.
The journey was quiet good but when The rain fall I came back to my house.
It was the goodholiday.That I went with my friend because I usually went to the departmentstore.

The begining of the journal


Today was the firstday of my journal that the teacher gave me as homework.For every week the word will not less than 500 words.And this day was not only the first day of my journal but it was the day that my youngerbrother was birth.It was his birthday.
Now my youngerbrother was nine years old.He is younger than me twelve years.Now he studying in Sarasas Wittaya school.I have only one brother.
In the morning I drove my car to dropped my brother at his school and then I drove to ABAC.
To day I had only one subject to studied.It was the main subject that I studied a lot per week.It is English2.Today teacher told student to buy the book.The book name was The American Crime.This book is the shortstory that tell about the crime or someyhing like that.Then teacher gave the journal to sent him on internet.It’s like diary online(I thinks so)
I think the teacher will told the student about the exam score but I think wrong the teacher will told student on next Monday.
When I finish studied I drove my car to the mall to bought cake and some surprise to my brother.I bought chocolate cake that my brother and my mom like.
At night my family joy together and happy with my brother’s birth day.


Amazing news my mother told me that I should pack my bag we will go to Japan in Next Thursday.I was surprise and happies because I like Japan a lot.My mother took me to cut the suit that I wear in Japan.She had her owndressmaker. To day I had only one subject to study It was the one of subject I like It was World Civilization.I liked the subject that has the story about history or political science.When I was a child I always went to the library to read the history book or some thing about world war.It is my free time book.I think when I was in the junior highschool I wrote every history book in the liabrary.
The World Civilization class was teach in the civilization style many student were very quiet because there were a few student came for today.After that I went to ate lunch with my friend at Fuji restaurant in The mall.I love Eastern Asia food like Japanese food,Chinese food and the spicy That very delicious was Thai food.