วันจันทร์ที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


To day was the brutal day of the week because It was The day that I had three subject for studied.I woke up very late and my fried ,Kook call me and invite me to should not went to studied the first subject science man.
I hate this subject a lot because It was very hard The teacher teach student to wrote prochart.I can not do it in the exam and in the class room.I thinks I will try hard to past this subject.
I came to ABAC to studied second subject.The English 2 I think I should came because This subject If you did not came you will list the point and I did’t want to lost it.I came to studied late because traffic jam.(Terrible problem in Bangkok)
The teacher gave me absent but I hope to studied that I came and sat in the backside of the classroom.
In the afternoon my friend told me that the teacher that teach me in final subject was cancel class.I heard the good news.
My friend invited me to seek the high school girl in Triamudomsuksa Normkroa.I drove my car to that school and I got the girl phone number.her name is A.I think she will the A-plus girl.


Hello! ! ! ! Holiday.My friend invited me to went too the zoo.
In the morning I drove my car to the correct some problem about my suit because It was too huge.I want it fit my body.I went to the fassion house at Petchburi rd.with my friend dutch and his girl friend Ta,
When I finish I went to Khowdin zoo.this zoo was the classic zoo It was old zoo and It place in the center of Bangkok.In the zoo I saw many animal like elephant, zebra,monkey and etc.I forgot to told I saw dinosaur but It was the statue.
The journey was quiet good but when The rain fall I came back to my house.
It was the goodholiday.That I went with my friend because I usually went to the departmentstore.
