วันจันทร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Japan Trip


Bangkok to Narita

I had busy about pack my bag all day and prepared for the big journey trip.In the evening my driver and the officer that follow my father went to my house to take my family to Suwanabum airport in Samutprakarn.There has four people of my family went to this trip ,my father,mother,my younger brother and me.There had seven bag for shopping.

We arrived at Suwanabum airport and met the group of conference.In this trip my father had went to Japan to watch the engineer technology and the city system in Japan to improve it to the Samutprakanr province.But me and my morther went to shopping.

Take about four or five hours I arrived at Narita airport in Japan.The time of Japan is quickly than Thailand about three hours.I had complete slept in the plane and when I arrived The guide weren't stop They bring us to the Hagone.Hagone was nice park and beautiful view It was near mount Fuji.

I had lunch at Archi lake.The food was the seafood fried in the oil.I thinks It was not delecious.when I finished ate.My mother took me to bought some dried food and snak.and then the guide bring us to the shipyard to took the boat and ran along the lake view.The boat was beautiful It look like from fantasy movies.

In the afternoon I went to Wagudani hill.In the top there had the boil fountain.that people put the egg to this water.Japanese believed that if people had eat the egg that cook from this boil water.This egg will make people life longer seven years.(I had ate it four.)

In the evening I stayed at Fujinobo Kaen hotel.I had seafood diner in the hotel restaurant after that I went to drank some beer with my new friend in the hotel's garden the temperature was about 23-24 c'.I slept at 2 o'clock.


The sleep of the white giant

I woke up at six o'clock.It made me felt sleepy and terible.In the morning I went to mount Fuji.that is the japan Character.If the people thing about Japan The mount Fuji is the big sign of this country.I went to the fifth floors of mount Fuji I can saw It's top.On the top of the mountain there was a little snow because This season was the summer in Japan.After that I went to shopping in the gift shop with my tourist group.

In the afternoon I went to Yogohama city.I saw the road in Japan were alway had straigt way and I think it made the low problem from trafic jam.The Yogohama city was the center of the port and shipyard.There are a lot of factory.but I thin Japan alway care the air because They has a lot of factory but they alway plant the tree.There are not few tree like Thailand but tree they plant are the forest and many.

The group arrived at Minamoto Miroi everyone went to studied the city plan.only me I slept in the bus because I felt very sleepy.

I waked up in the two hours later and I took the shin kunsen or bullet train to went to Shinjoku.I ate shabu-shabu for my dinner.and then I went to bought some shoes.the shoe in Japan is nice and cool.I stayed in sunshine city hotel for this day.The hotel was big and there had many shopping place and pub I think It was like siam square of Thailand.

at night I went to the bar near my hotel and drank some beer.In the bar I got my new friend She was japanese girl.her name was Kuygo.She smoke a lot.I slept at four o'clock.
